
IIUI Vice President inspects examination process 

Islamabad, January 03, 2023 (PPI-OT):On the directives of the IIUI President, surprise visits were made by Vice President Academics Dr. Ayaz Afsar along with Director Academics vat the male and female campuses where he inspected and reviewed the examination process. The Vice President at various examination rooms in both campuses was apprised about the arrangements and ongoing process. On the occasion, he was accompanied by officers of the exams, conduct session and other relevant officials.

During inspection visit, he reviewed examination process at exam centers and showed satisfaction over strict discipline at examination centers. On the occasion, he instructed the examination personnel to provide a comfortable environment to students during examination so that they can perform best during examination.

He advised the comprised committee to conduct visits on daily basis and ensure the smooth and disciplined arrangement of exams. During the inspection visit, Vice President also instructed the examination personnel to follow the devised procedure regarding conduct of examination at centers.

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