
Hostel Accommodation Fees for “Spring Semester 2023”

Karachi, March 27, 2023 (PPI-OT):All hostel resident students are hereby informed that the hostel accommodation fee for the “Spring Semester 2023” is due with effect from. April 01, 2023.

Hostel resident students admitted in “Spring Semester” are hereby advised to follow the procedures as Under.

The subsequent Hostel Accommodation Form can be obtained from Warden’s Office during the office timings.

Deposit the requisite “HOSTEL FEE” in the NBP, or HBL branch (located at Main Campus) and get bank stamp on printed copy of Hostel Accommodation Form.

Submit Hostel Accommodation Form (with Bank Stamp) duly signed by the student along-with payment voucher in the Warden’s Office.

Late fee i.e. Rs. I00/= will be charged per week with effect from 16-05-2023.

The last date for submission of hostel Fee is March 15, 2023.

For more information, contact:
NED University of Engineering and Technology
University Road, Karachi – 75270, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-99261261-8
Fax: +92-21-99261255