
Former Senator Mr. Javed Jabbar addressed a session titled The Promise of a New Morning at SSUET

Karachi, January 02, 2023 (PPI-OT):Former Senator Mr. Javed Jabbar addressed a session titled “The Promise of a New Morning”; at Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology in commemoration of the Quaid Day. The session was attended by a large number of students and faculty. Mr. Javed Jabbar emphasised the role of collective responsibility to salvage the nation from current stalemate.

He aptly pointed out how “Ijtihad”; application of new knowledge and “Ijtimaiyat”; collective endeavours, could help us as a nation to evolve and grow steadily. He touched upon other pertinent aspects of nation-building such as conservation of nature, coping with climate change and a discrete use of national resources.

Responding to a question on how to cope with despondency when the atmosphere was rife with grim economic prospects, he accentuated the need to prioritise challenges and strategies accordingly, thereby not losing hope in the ‘Promise of a New Morning’. Dr. Sarah Syed Kazmi from the English Department in her introductory note shed light on the significance of inculcating hope and optimism among budding learners to traverse degrees of academic excellence.

Vice-chancellor SSUET, Professor Dr. Vali Uddin dilated upon SSUET’s ventures to keep abreast with modern trends in academia and enable our students to compete globally. The Registrar SSUET, Cdre (r) Eng. Syed Sarfaraz Ali drew parallels between the rich historical legacy of Aligarh University founded by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology’s endeavours to remain a trend-setter in modern education by imbibing the characteristic innovative spirit.

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