
As Muslims, the month of Ramadan inspires us to feel for those who are less privileged: Foreign Minister and Chairman Pakistan People’s Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari

Karachi, March 30, 2023 (PPI-OT): Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister and Chairman of Pakistan People’s Party, while addressing the iftar dinner given by him at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the diplomatic corps based in Islamabad, said that the holy month of Ramadan is a month in which the entire Muslims around the world fast. As Muslims, the month of Ramadan encourages us to empathize with those who are less privileged and may not enjoy access to the usual food and comforts that are normally enjoyed. Chairman PPP Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari while addressing diplomatic representatives in Islamabad said that there are people in all our societies, not only in Pakistan, who are facing incredibly difficult times.

He added that he was ready to admit that many of the problems were ‘of our own making’, collectively referring to the economic policies adopted by the previous government. We face economic consequences of certain decisions that are beyond our control. People are facing the devastating effects of climate disasters in the form of floods, in which they played no part. Especially the young generation is suffering the consequences of the decisions they did not make.

The economic quagmire created due to the epidemic of Covid-19 is not only facing Pakistan but the whole world. The geopolitical situation of the world has also added to the problems facing the world. The month of Ramadan reminds us that it is possible that the consequences of our actions may be suffered by those who may not be as empowered as we are. So we have an opportunity through which we can positively impact the lives of those who are less fortunate. It should be our collective effort to make it a point to minimize this, the burden that falls on the shoulders of the underprivileged.

Chairman Bilawal appreciated the efforts of Federal Minister Shazia Marri of Benazir Income Support Program to eradicate poverty. We have witnessed the incredible services rendered by BISP during the Covid-19 pandemic to bolster people’s dwindling hopes. When the floods came, BISP was the most effective means of helping the vulnerable.

As we are going through an economic crisis while the Ministry of Finance is still negotiating with the IMF and with the important task of flood relief before us, this government is constantly trying to ensure that it has the current Maximum assistance should be provided within available resources. Foreign Minister Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari thanked the international community as well as the ambassadors there for the support provided to the country in their personal and professional fields.

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