Dominica tops the CBI Index for sixth consecutive time, scores full marks in six out of nine pillars

Roseau, Aug. 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Commonwealth of Dominica came out tops in the annual CBI Index, a rating system designed to measure the performance and appeal of global citizenship by investment (CBI) programmes across a diverse range of indicators.

The CBI Index is intended as a practical tool to compare CBI programmes as a whole and specific aspects of each programme. These aspects are reflected by the CBI Index’s nine pillars which Freedom of Movement, Standard of Living, Minimum Investment Outlay, Mandatory Travel or Residence, Citizenship Timeline, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence, Family and Certainty of Product.

Number one for six consecutive years, Dominica beat 11 other nations with active citizenship by investment programmes and scored full marks in the areas of Minimum Outlay, Mandatory travel or residence, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence, Family and Certainty of Product.

These nations include Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Cambodia, Egypt, Grenada, Jordan, Malta, Montenegro, St Lucia, Turkey and Vanuatu.

“For the last 29 years we have ensured that our CBI programme really meets the needs of an ever-changing global investor. We’re proud to yet again be ranked as one of the best CBI offering in the world and look to increase our scores across all nine pillars next year,” commented Dominica’s Prime Minister, Dr Roosevelt Skerrit.

Dominica continues to be on a concerted drive to offer investors – through its Economic Diversification Fund and government-approve real estate options – a reliable safe haven amidst the constant global upheavals. Accompanied by a robust due diligence process, Dominica uses a multi-layered process in partnership with third-party due diligence firms from the USA and the UK, investors can be confident that they are buying into a product that that will enhance their portfolio.

Dominica’s scoring in the nine pillars:

Freedom of Movement: Dominica scored seven out of 10 as the country offers visa-free and visa-on-arrival access to 14 countries across the world, including the globes most sought-after business hubs.

Freedom of movement within and between countries is paramount to global investors seeking second citizenship and this year, the Index placed emphasis on the total number of countries and territories that can be visited without applying for a visa.

Standard of Living: Dominica scored five in this area due to its low average expected years of schooling, but it must be noted that the country has the highest life expectancy at 78.2 and a perfect freedom score when compared to Egypt, Jordan, St Kitts and Nevis and Vanuatu – who also shared the same score.

Minimum Investment Outlay: Dominica received a perfect score of 10 here as the minimum investment outlay for their CBI programme is only US$100,000 per applicant, one of the lowest citizenship investment outlays in the industry.

Mandatory Travel or Residence: As last year, Dominica kept is score of 10 out of 10 as the country does not require mandatory travel or residence in the country for processing of its citizenship application.

Citizenship Timeline: Dominica scored a nine in the citizenship timeline pillar. The pillar accesses the duration to get the application processed.

Ease of Processing: The citizenship by investment unit of Dominica continues to make the application process straightforward and more robust, helping the country secure a score full marks in this area.

Due Diligence: Dominica is recognized for its stringent and comprehensive due diligence checks on applicants seeking second citizenship and once again retained the score of 10 for due diligence processing. The country requires the provision of either fingerprints or a biometric passport and has robust external due diligence procedures that are undertaken by internationally renowned third-party due diligence firms.

Family: As Dominica allows main applicants to add additional dependents under a single application, once again making it easy to bring in additional family members, the country scored 10 under this pillar.

Certainty of Product: Dominica, along with St Kitts and Nevis, attained a perfect score for Certainty of Product Pillar thanks to the programme’s longevity, popularity, renown, stability, and adaptability. The CBI Index also lauded Dominica for its transparent two-track investment routes.

Regarded as an industry voice and reputable benchmark for CBI programmes across the globe, this year’s CBI Index offers readers a glimpse of the possibility that could in the CBI industry should all relevant parties cooperate.

The current turmoil has certainly brought a negative spotlight to the investment migration industry and overlooked the fundamentals of CBI – offering honest, hardworking families and entrepreneurs to explore and participate in meaningful global opportunities, especially where they have been let down by their own home countries.

Findings in the CBI Index state that in 2023, it is predicted over 125,000 millionaires will look to relocate to more secure and attractive destinations around the world and this trend is expected to continue and increase to 2030. Political fragmentation, instability, social polarisation are some of the reasons why investors look for second citizenship options.

It is for this reason that countries like the Commonwealth of Dominica are a popular investment choice, offering political and economic stability, a currency pegged against the US-dollar and, even more appealing is an eco-conscious government working its way to be carbon-neutral and sustainable.

“People who invest in our programme can be 100% sure that they are also investing in a country that cares about the planet and one that is taking tangible, measurable steps to protect the planet,” continues Prime Minister Skerrit.

The CBI Index is the world’s most definitive guide on citizenship by investment and is published today by PWM Magazine, a publication from the Financial Times in collaboration with CS Global Partners.

Download and read the full report here.


Dominica PR
Commonwealth of Dominica

‫ګلوبل ټائمز: سی پیک د پائیدار مقامی معاشی جدّت طرازی  بنیاد ږدی، کوم په غونډه خطه او د ده اندورنی ترقی بل منطقی قدم دے: لومړی وزیر پاکستان

بیجنګ، 23 اګست، 2022/پی آرنیوزوائر/ — چین پاکستان اقتصادی راہداری (CPEC)- نمو د بین الاقوامی رابطے یو اقدام دے– غونڈی خطے او د ده اندرونی منډو له مربوطولو د پاره بل منطقی قدم دے، د پاکستان لومړی وزیر شہباز شریف ګلوبل ټائمز له خپل یو حالیہ خصوصی انټرویو کښې د بیلټ اینډ روډ انیشیټو فلیګ شپ پروجیکټ کښې د دریم فریق شرکت د پاره خپل خلاص زړه اظہار کولو سره وینا وکړه۔

2013کښې خپل قیام نه پس، سی پیک تیز رفتار او ټھوس ترقی جاری و ساتله۔ شریف وینا وکړه چی تیر شوی عشره په  دوران کښې، سی پیک پاکستان کښې بجلی او بنیادی ډھانچے کښې حائل مشکلات لری کولو کښې مدد وکړو، دکه شان د پائیدار اقتصادی جدّت طرازی بنیاد کیښود۔

“وخت سره سره سہ فریقی شراکت کښې اضافہ کیږی، موږ امید لرو چی موږ پورته کیدونکی مارکیټونو په سنګم باندی یو، ټولو د پاره برابری جذبه چی کوم ہمیشہ سی پیک قوّت ور بخلے دے، د ده مظاہرہ کولو سره نور مشترکہ ملګری د پاکستان منفرد کردار نه به فائدہ اوچتوی۔”

هغی وینا وکړه چی د بین الاقوامی رابطے اقدام په طور باندی، د سی پیک ترقی غونډی خطے او د ده اندرونی مارکیټونو له مربوطولو بل منطقی قدم دے۔

شریف وینا وکړه چی سی پیک مقصد خطے له خوشحالی او د استحکام مشترکہ کوشش کښې متحد کول دی۔ دا نقطہ نظر چا له  ہدف نه جوړوی، او دا چا فریق له خارج کولو کوشش نہ کوی، شریف د امید اظہار کولو سره وینا وکړه چی دا منصوبہ وسیع بین الاقوامی تعاون د تحریک حوصلہ به افزائی جاری ساتی او د خطے محرومیانو او د تنازعاتو شیطانی چکر له ماتولو کښې به مدد ګار وی۔

د پاکستان لومړی وزیر وینا وکړه چی د دی نظریاتو سره، سی پیک له یو”خطرہ” پوهیدو معقول وجہ نه شی کیدے بغیر له د هغه خلقو چی کوم شیزونو له نورو ته د نقصان رسولو  نقطہ نظر سره ګوری او دا غواړی چی “زموږ خلق ترقی د ثمراتو نه محرومه وی”۔

شریف وینا وکړه چی د پاکستان چین-پاکستان اقتصادی راہداری (سی پیک) افغانستان پوری د توسیع حمایت کوم۔ “امید لرو چی زموږ کوششونه یو پرامن، مستحکم، خوشحال، او مربوط افغانستان له زموږ خطے کښې استحکام او طویل مدتی خوشحالی کښې کردار ادا کولو حتمی مقصد سره افغانستان سره د بین الاقوامی تعلقاتو تسلسل له به یقینی جوړو ۔”

لومړی وزیر نے دا وینا هم وکړه چی هغی ګوادر سمیت متعدد سی پیک منصوبو دورہ کړی دا تاکہ د ټائم لائنز تکمیل یقینی شی۔ د سی پیک زیر تکمیل منصوبو بروقت تکمیل دوطرفہ اقتصادی تعاون د مستقبل ایجنډے د پاره ہمیشہ نه د دی ترجیح پاتی شوی دا۔

هغی وینا وکړه د  فصل ابتدائی مرحلے کامیابی نه پس، سی پیک تیزی سره په حقیقت کښې سرګندیږی۔


‫گلوبل ٹائمز: سی پیک پائیدار مقامی معاشی جدّت طرازی کی بنیاد رکھ رہا ہے، جو پورے خطے اور اس کی اندورنی  ترقی کا اگلا منطقی قدم ہے: وزیر اعظم پاکستان

بیجنگ، 23 اگست، 2022/پی آرنیوزوائر/ — چین پاکستان اقتصادی راہداری (CPEC/سی پیک) کی نمو –بین الاقوامی رابطے کا ایک اقدام – پورے خطے اور اس کی اندرونی  منڈیوں کو مربوط کرنے  کے لیے اگلا منطقی قدم ہے، پاکستان کے وزیر اعظم شہباز شریف نے گلوبل ٹائمز کو اپنے ایک حالیہ خصوصی انٹرویو میں بیلٹ اینڈ روڈ انیشیٹو کے فلیگ شپ پروجیکٹ میں تیسرے فریق کی شرکت کے لیے اپنی کُشادہ دِلی کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے بتایا۔

2013 میں اپنے قیام کے بعد سے، سی پیک نے تیز رفتار اور ٹھوس ترقی  کو جاری رکھا ہے۔ شریف نے کہا کہ گزشتہ دہائی کے دوران، سی پیک نے پاکستان میں بجلی اور بنیادی ڈھانچے میں حائل مشکلات  دُور  کرنے میں مدد کی ہے، اس طرح پائیدار اقتصادی جدّت طرازی کی بنیاد رکھی ہے۔

“جیسے جیسے سہ فریقی شراکت میں   اضافہ ہورہاہے، ہم امید کرتے ہیں کہ اہم  ابھرتی ہوئی مارکیٹوں کے سنگم پر، سب کے لئے برابری کے جذبے جس نے ہمیشہ سی پیک کو قوّت  بخشی ہے، کا مظاہرہ کرتے ہوئے مزید مشترکہ دوست پاکستان کے منفرد کردار سے فائدہ اٹھائیں گے۔”

انہوں نے کہا کہ بین الاقوامی رابطے کے اقدام کے طور پر، سی پیک کی ترقی پورے خطے اور اس کی اندرونی مارکیٹوں کو مربوط کرنے کے لیے اگلا منطقی قدم ہے۔

شریف نے کہا کہ سی پیک کا مقصد خطے کو خوشحالی اور استحکام کی مشترکہ کوشش میں متحدکرنا ہے۔ یہ نقطہ نظر کسی کو ہدف نہیں بناتا ہے، اور یہ کسی فریق کو خارج کرنے کی کوشش نہیں کرتا ہے، شریف نے امید کا ظہار کرتے ہوئے  کہاکہ یہ منصوبہ وسیع بین الاقوامی تعاون تحریک کی حوصلہ افزائی جاری رکھے گا اور خطے کے محرومیوں اور تنازعات کے شیطانی چکر کو توڑنے میں مدد گار  ہوگا۔

پاکستان کے وزیر اعظم نے کہا کہ ان نظریات کے ساتھ، سی پیک  کو ایک “خطرہ”  سمجھنے کی کوئی معقول وجہ نہیں  ہوسکتی سوائے ان لوگوں کے جو چیزوں  کو دوسروں کو نقصان پہنچانے کے نقطہ نظر سے دیکھتے ہیں اور یہ چاہتے ہیں کہ “ہمارے لوگ ترقی کے ثمرات سے محروم رہیں”۔

شریف نے کہا کہ پاکستان چین-پاکستان اقتصادی راہداری (سی پیک) کی افغانستان تک توسیع کی حمایت کرتا ہے۔ “امید ہے کہ ہماری کوششیں ایک پرامن، مستحکم، خوشحال، اور مربوط افغانستان کو ہمارے خطے کے استحکام اور طویل مدتی خوشحالی میں کردار ادا کرنے کے حتمی مقصد کے ہمراہ افغانستان کے ساتھ بین الاقوامی تعلقات کے تسلسل کو یقینی بنائیں گی۔”

وزیر اعظم نے یہ بھی کہا کہ انہوں نے گوادر سمیت متعدد سی پیک منصوبوں کا دورہ کیا ہے تاکہ ٹائم لائنز کی تکمیل کو یقینی بنایا جا سکے۔ سی پیک کے زیر تکمیل منصوبوں کی بروقت تکمیل دوطرفہ اقتصادی تعاون کے مستقبل کے ایجنڈے کے لیے ہمیشہ سے ان کی ترجیح رہی ہے۔

انہوں نے کہا کہ فصل کے ابتدائی مرحلے کی کامیابی کے بعد، سی پیک تیزی سے حقیقت میں ڈھل رہا ہے۔


Seventeen teachers from Beaconhouse complete the International Subject Leadership Certificate

Lahore, August 23, 2022 (PPI-OT):Seventeen teachers from Beaconhouse, one of the largest private educational networks in the world educating over 315,000 students, have successfully completed the inaugural International Subject Leadership Certificate by the UK-based Professional Training Institute. The 18-month accreditation is a modular course that allows participants to work with experienced practitioners to design exceptional lessons. It aims to develop subject leaders through the design and delivery of challenging Schemes of Work (SOW).

Teachers enrolled in the course reflected on the current context of their subject within their school curriculum, considered what makes successful subject leadership, and explored the course success criteria during the online launch meeting. They gathered evidence to help reflect upon and illustrate the impact of their work on pupils, colleagues and themselves. During the course, participants were assessed in peer-to-peer professional interviews during an online review meeting, to discuss and reflect upon the success and impact of their work.

The Professional Training Institute is a UK education charity supporting teachers at all stages of their career to develop specialist subject knowledge. It believes that all children, regardless of their background or ability, are entitled to a rich education delivered by passionate and knowledgeable teachers.

Commenting on the accomplishment, Ali Ahmed Khan, Chief Operating Officer, Beaconhouse said, “This has been a great learning experience for our hardworking teachers. At Beaconhouse, we prioritise teacher training and believe in continuous development that supports them in facilitating effective learning in the classroom. I congratulate all the Beaconhouse teachers for completing the certification and look forward to seeing them implement their learnings.”

Sana Saleem Agha, Omema Hassan and Saima Nazli are among the Beaconhouse teachers who completed the certificate. Sana Saleem Agha said, “It was great to observe that my students felt more positive about their ability to read and have improved reading skills. They have shown great confidence in speaking too. It was observed that they raised and answered questions about the characters, settings, events, etc. from stories easily. Hence, the designed schemes of work had a significant impact on my students.”

Omema Hassan said, “I am happy to be part of this unique experience where I felt empowered to choose my own focus, design my own SOW, implement it, and plan further. Learning, unlearning and relearning has made me a reflective practitioner and a better teacher. I now keep on improving my teaching strategies.”

Saima Nazli said, “My students have developed a love for reading after the pandemic had drastically deteriorated their reading skills. Furthermore, the SOW helped to develop and regain their confidence in public speaking.”

Chris Pope, Co-Director, Professional Training Institute said, “The Professional Training Institute is delighted to congratulate these teachers on their incredible hard work and effort to complete our International Subject Leadership Course. It takes a lot of dedication to complete this course and we couldn’t be more thrilled to celebrate their incredible achievement. It is great to see that not only does this help teachers improve their confidence and skills in the classroom, but also translates to the students feeling more inspired.”

Beaconhouse and the Professional Training Institute aim to inspire teachers and school leaders to become more effective, enthusiastic, and influential. Their sustainable approach to professional development helps teachers become experts in their subjects and pass on a love of learning to their students.

For more information, contact:
Beaconhouse Group Corporate Office,
10-11 Gurumangat Road, Gulberg-III, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-111-232-266
Fax: +92-42-35712027

NUST SEECS Alumnus among Forbes 30 under 30 as his AI-based company gets acquired by Meta (Facebook)

Islamabad, August 23, 2022 (PPI-OT):A moment of pride for the entire #NUSTFamily as Mr Awais Shafique an alumnus of NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS) Bachelors of Electrical Engineering Class of 2016 has been declared among Forbes 30 under 30 for Europe. He has been nominated along with his Leon Szeli his partner and co-founder in the company they founded known as based out of Munich.

Furthermore, has been acquired by Meta (Facebook) and now Awais will lead the company at Meta as the project manager. creates the most accurate body scanning software by fusing the most recent advancements in Computer Vision and Deep Learning. is software for size recommendations for fashion and e-commerce users. It is an optimized accurate body measurement that can be installed and used in a smartphone.

Users of fashion e-commerce are advised on size selections to buy and keep. Presize enables online buyers to turn around once in front of their smartphone camera while wearing regular clothing, and automatically get their best fitting apparel scale recommended.

Other Achievements of Awais Shafique include the Medal of Appreciation from Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff and the NUST Rector’s High Achievers Award and the Honorary Rector’s Gold Medal (3x Times). We wish all the very best to Awais for his future pursuit of excellence and the entire #NUSTFamily is proud of his outstanding achievements.

For more information, contact:
Director Press and Media Release
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
NUST Campus, H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan
UAN: +92-51-111-11-6878
Tel: +92-51-90851381
Fax: +92-51-90851382

IPS, ICRC to co-highlight international humanitarian laws and principles; their compatibility with Islamic jurisprudence

Islamabad, August 23, 2022 (PPI-OT):In view of their shared commitment to promote International Humanitarian Law (IHL), humanitarian principles and their compatibility with Islamic Shariah through joint ventures and endeavours, IPS and ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) have entered into a collaboration formally by penning down an MoU at the latter’s premises in Islamabad on August 18, 2022.

The scope of this collaboration includes hosting of joint national, international and regional programs and events, carrying out collaborative research projects, joining hands in promotional activities and advocacy, and participation of subject matter experts from ICRC in the events, lectures and trainings held by IPS on relevant topics.

Signed on behalf of ICRC by Dr Ziaullah Rahmani, regional advisor for Islamic law and jurisprudence, Jamal Khan, the head of the committee’s delegation present on the occasion, and Aqeel Ahmad, admin and finance coordinator, and by IPS’ GM Operations Naufil Shahrukh as a representative of the Institute, the non-binding renewable agreement will initially remain into effect for a period of three years.

For more information, contact:
Outreach and Publications,
Institute of Policy Studies (IPS)
1, Street 8, F-6/3, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: +92-51-8438391-3 (Ext: 122)
Fax: +92-51-8438390