‫هايسنس تعلن عن خططها الطموحة لتعزيز حضورها في المنطقة بعد فوزها بجائزة دبي العالمية للجودة

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة: أعلنت هايسنس، الشركة العالمية المصنعة للإلكترونيات الاستهلاكية والتجهيزات الكهربائية المنزلية، عن خططها المقررة للفترة القادمة في المنطقة، وذلك عقب فوزها بجائزة دبي العالمية للجودة التي تقدمها دائرة الاقتصاد والسياحة بدبي.

وجاء تكريم هايسنس خلال الحفل السنوي لتوزيع جوائز التميز لقطاع الأعمال، الذي يُقام برعاية كريمة من صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم، رئيس مجلس الوزراء نائب رئيس الدولة حاكم دبي، بفضل ممارساتها المتميزة والتزامها الراسخ بجهود التنمية الاقتصادية والسعادة المجتمعية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

وتسعى هايسنس والإمارات إلى دفع عجلة الانتقال إلى عالم ما بعد الأزمة الصحية، حيث أكد جايسون أو، المدير الإداري للشركة في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا التزام الشركة بجهود التنمية الإقليمية، لا سيما مع اختيار دبي هيلز مول لاحتضان أول متاجر العلامة في الشرق الأوسط.

وتعليقاً على هذا الموضوع، قال جايسون أو، المدير الإداري للشركة في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا: “ينطوي فوزنا بهذه الجائزة المرموقة على أهمية بالغة، حيث تساهم في تفعيل استراتيجيتنا لاستقطاب العملاء ونشر التميز في جميع أنحاء العالم مع التركيز على الشرق الأوسط في المقام الأول. ونشهد اليوم نمواً متسارعاً في المنطقة مع افتتاح أول متاجرنا في دبي وخطط لافتتاح متجر رئيسي في قطر ومتجرين في المملكة العربية السعودية قريباً، مما يعكس التزامنا في تحفيز الابتكار وضمان أعلى معايير الجودة للعملاء في المنطقة”.

وتُعتبر جوائز التميز لقطاع الأعمال ركيزةً أساسيةً في سياق المبادرات التي أطلقتها دائرة الاقتصاد والسياحة بدبي، الجهة الرئيسية المسؤولة عن التخطيط والإشراف والتطوير والتسويق في قطاعي الاقتصاد والسياحة في دبي. وتهدف هذه الجوائز إلى الارتقاء بمستويات الجودة والتميز بوصفها حافزاً لتعزيز النمو والتطوير في مشهد الأعمال المحلية.

وأضاف جايسون: “لطالما سعت هايسنس منذ تأسيسها إلى تعزيز مكانتها بوصفها علامة الإلكترونيات الاستهلاكية الأكثر موثوقية في العالم، ويؤكد تكريمنا من قبل دائرة الاقتصاد والسياحة أننا على المسار الصحيح لنصبح العلامة المفضلة لملايين المستهلكين في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. ونتطلع إلى مواصلة النهج ذاته وتعزيز مكانتنا في المنطقة وتزويد السكان والزوار بتقنيات ومنتجات وخدمات تمتاز بجودة منقطعة النظير في القطاع”.

وتسعى هايسنس إلى تعزيز حضورها في المنطقة من خلال مسيرتها الحافلة بعقد شراكات الرعاية الرسمية مع جهات رياضية عالمية لترسيخ قدراتها التنافسية، وكان آخرها بطولة كأس العالم 2022، فضلاً عن بطولة أمم أوروبا 2016 و2020، وبطولة أستراليا المفتوحة للتنس، وسلسلة أكس فينتي من ناسكار، وفريق ريد بول للفورمولا 1، ومؤسسة جو جيبس ريسنج، ونادي شالكه 04 الألماني لكرة القدم، ونادي باريس سان جيرمان.

نبذة عن هايسنس:

 تأسست هايسنس عام 1969، وهي شركة متعددة الجنسيات يقع مقرها الرئيسي في مدينة تشينغداو في الصين، وتغطي مجالات عمل مختلفة، ومنها الوسائط المتعددة(Multimedia) ، والأجهزة المنزلية، وتقنية المعلومات، وقطاع الخدمات العصرية والحديثة.

تمتلك الشركة ثلاث شركات مدرجة، وهي: هايسنس للتكنولوجيا المرئية، وهايسنس للتجهيزات المنزلية، وساندن، وهي مدرجة في شنجهاي، وشينزن، وهونغ كونغ، وطوكيو، كما استحوذت على العديد من العلامات التجارية المعروفة، ومن ضمنها توشيبا، وجورينجي، وكيلون، ورونشن، وأسكو.

وبناءً على القيم الأساسية التي تتمثل في “النزاهة والابتكار والتركيز على العملاء والاستدامة”، واستراتيجية تطوير “الأساس التكنولوجي السليم  ومتانة العمليات”، قدمت العلامة التجارية منتجات عالية الجودة وخدمات ما بعد البيع وخدمة العملاء الممتازة بالإضافة إلى موثوقية منتجاتها المضمونة لأكثر من 50 سنة.

تعتبر هايسنس أيضاً علامة تجارية عالمية رائدة في مجال تكامل التعامل بين الشركات B2B، والذي يشمل النقل الذكي والوحدات الطبية الذكية والبصرية. تمتلك الشركة تقنية التحكم في الإضاءة الخلفية ULED Local Dimming الرائدة في العالم وتكنولوجيا العرض بالليزر، فيما تعمل على تطوير تقنية الرقاقة، وتواصل العمل على تطوير رقائق معالجة جودة صور العرض فائقة الدقة 8K، ورقائق TV SoC، ورقائق AI.

ومع تصدير المنتجات إلى أكثر من 160 دولة ومنطقة، فقد قامت علامة هايسنس برعاية أهم الأحداث الرياضية في العالم مثل بطولة أوروبا لكرة القدم “يورو 2016″، وبطولة كأس العالم لكرة القدم 2018، وبطولة أوروبا لكرة القدم “يورو 2020″، وبطولة كأس العالم لكرة القدم 2022، كما أصبحت الراعي العالمي لنادي باريس سان جيرمان لكرة القدم.

تمتلك هايسنس 16 مجمعاً صناعياً في تشينغداو، وشوندي، وهوزهو، وجمهورية التشيك، وجنوب إفريقيا، والمكسيك، وغيرها من الدول، بالإضافة إلى 16 مركزاً للبحث والتطوير تقع في تشينغداو، وشنجن، والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، وألمانيا، وغيرها من الدول. وتعمل على إنتاج مجموعة واسعة من المنتجات ذات التنافسية العالية.

لمزيد من المعلومات، والاطلاع على آخر المستجدات، يرجى متابعتنا على:

الموقع: https://hisenseme.com/

إنستغرام: https://www.instagram.com/hisense_middleeast/?hl=en

يوتيوب: https://www.youtube.com/c/HisenseMiddleEast/videos

فيسبوك: https://www.facebook.com/HisenseMiddleEast/

تويتر: https://twitter.com/HisenseME

لينكدإن: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hisense-middle-east

أعلنت هايسنس فوزها بجائزة دبي العالمية للجودة التي تقدمها دائرة الاقتصاد والسياحة بدبي


الشيخة أحمد البشري مدير إدارة التميز في الأعمال و جيسون أو رئيس شركة هايسنس بمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا

Email address: sonal.salvi@hisense.com

Hisense Outlines Ambitions and Regional Growth Plans After Receiving Prestigious ‘Dubai Quality Global Award’

Hisense Middle East, Customer Service Department receives the Dubai Quality Global Award

Hisense Middle East, Customer Service Department receives the Dubai Quality Global Award

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, April 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Just days after Hisense received the Department of Economy and Tourism’s “Dubai Quality Global Award”, Jason Ou, President of Hisense Middle East and Africa, has outlined the global electronics and whitegoods manufacturer’s plans in the region.

Under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, the annual Business Excellence Awards recognised Hisense for its excellent practices and alignment with the UAE’s economic development and social happiness.

Now, as both Hisense and the Emirates accelerate into a new post-pandemic reality with Dubai Hills Mall being selected for the launch of Hisense’s first physical store in the Middle East, Mr Ou has reaffirmed the global brand’s commitment to regional development.

“Winning the prestigious Dubai Quality Global Award is extremely important,” said Mr Ou. “It springboards our consumer acquisition strategy of spreading excellence to global frontiers, while prioritising the Middle East. Our growth in the region is skyrocketing with the launch of our first physical store in Dubai, a flagship store to launch in Qatar, and two more following soon after in Saudi Arabia. This shows our commitment to driving innovation and delivering superior quality to customers in the region.”

Shaikha Ahmad Al Bishri, Director of Business Excellence Department presents Jason Ou, President of Hisense, MENA with the Dubai Quality Global Award

Shaikha Ahmad Al Bishri, Director of Business Excellence Department presents Jason Ou, President of Hisense, MENA with the Dubai Quality Global Award

The Business Excellence Awards is a mainstay among the initiatives launched by the Department of Economy and Tourism (DET), the principal authority for planning, supervision, development, and marketing of Dubai’s economic and tourism sectors. The Awards aim to promote quality and excellence as a catalyst for further growth and development throughout the local business landscape.

“From our inception, Hisense has sought to become the world’s most reliable consumer electronics brand and this recognition from the Department of Economy and Tourism confirms we are on the right path to becoming the preferred option for millions of consumers across the Middle East and North Africa. We look forward to continuing on that path and strengthening our position within the region, while providing residents and visitors with unrivalled best-in-class quality of technology, products, and services.”

Hisense has ambitious plans to elevate its brand awareness across the region. Its official sponsorship of the FIFA World Cup 2022 is the latest in a long line of sporting tie-ups that demonstrate the company’s competitive elevation. Sporting partnerships include sponsorship of the UEFA Euro 2016 and 2020 football tournaments, Australian Open tennis, NASCAR Xfinity Series, Red Bull Racing F1 team, Joe Gibbs Racing, and football clubs FC Schalke 04 of Germany and France’s Paris Saint-Germain.


Founded in 1969, Hisense is a multinational company headquartered in Qingdao, China covering business areas like multimedia, home appliances, IT intelligent information and modern service industries.

The company owns three listed companies – Hisense Visual Technology, Hisense Home Appliances and SANDEN listed in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Tokyo and has acquired many known brands including Toshiba, Gorenje, Kelon, Ronshen and ASKO.

With the core values of ‘integrity, innovation, customer focus and sustainability’ and the development strategy of ‘Sound Technological Foundation and Robust Operation’, the brand has delivered supreme quality products, excellent after-sales and customer services as well as reassurance of its comprehensive warranties, for over 50 years.

Hisense is also the global leading brand in B2B industries including Intelligent Transportation, Intelligent Medical and Optical Modules. The company owns the world’s leading ULED Local Dimming backlight control technology and laser display technology while developing the chip technology, and continues in developing 8K ultra-high-definition display image quality processing chips, TV SoC chips, and AI chips.

With products exported to over 160 countries and regions, Hisense has sponsored the world’s top sporting events such as UEFA EURO 2016, 2018 FIFA World Cup, UEFA EURO 2020 and 2022 FIFA World Cup, and becomes the global sponsor of Paris Saint-Germain football club.

Hisense has 16 industrial parks located in Qingdao, Shunde, Huzhou, Czech Republic, South Africa, Mexico, etc. There are also 16 R&D centres located in Qingdao, Shenzhen, the USA, Germany, etc. working towards a wide range of highly competitive products.

For more information and all the latest updates follow:

Website: https://hisenseme.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hisense_middleeast/?hl=en
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HisenseMiddleEast/videos
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HisenseMiddleEast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HisenseME
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hisense-middle-east

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

Email address: sonal.salvi@hisense.com

College of Medicine organizes National Conference on COVID-19

Lahore, April 04, 2022 (PPI-OT):The University College of Medicine and Dentistry (UCMD) under its Department of Medicine, organized a National Conference on COVID-19 titled as “CovidCon” On March 15, 2022. This academic platform aimed at availing a forum for debate and discussion regarding the best medical practices for COVID-19 patients and to enable researchers in the field of health professions education to showcase their findings on COVID-19.

For more information, contact:
The University of Lahore
1 – KM Defence Road, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-111-865-865, +92-42-35322501 +92-42-35321761
Email: info@uol.edu.pk
Website: www.uol.edu.pk

The fun side of the Australia winning machine 

Dubai, April 04, 2022 (PPI-OT):Australia proved once again they are a ruthless winning machine, focused solely on one thing – being the best.

They left the seven other teams trailing in their wake to seal the ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup 2022 trophy, with victory over England in the final at Hagley Oval.

But as the confetti fell down, a softer, more fun Australia emerged and it was led by the one player who didn’t take to the field during the tournament.

Grace Harris happily admits that she didn’t expect to be in the team long after the T20 portion of the Women’s Ashes wrapped up in January.

Instead, she has found herself in Christchurch two months later with a winner’s medal around her neck as part of the 15-strong squad that helped Australia add the one-day trophy to the T20 title they earned in 2020.

And the 28-year-old is perhaps the perfect bridge between the fun-loving Aussies off the pitch and the focused Australia on it, her disappointment at missing out matched by her enthusiasm at just being here.

“It’s always disappointing to not get selected but there’s far worse things in the world than missing out on playing games of cricket,” she said.

“I have had the best seat in the house, aside from maybe being out in the middle, but sitting live and watching all the games in action straight on the sidelines, I guess it gives you a bit more hunger to actually do the best that you can to try and break into the squad.”

Harris also readily admits that had it not been for an injury to Sophie Molineux she was unlikely to have been standing in a square in Christchurch sleep-deprived, bleary-eyed but a world champion.

It is another sign of the strength in depth that Australia have that the player with the fastest-ever Women’s Big Bash League century was selected in the squad to replace the spin of Molineux.

The all-rounder’s two stints in the Australia team have bookended the rebuild from the disappointment of the 2017 semi-final loss to India.

Harris’ last appearances in green and gold came in November 2016 before she broke back into the side in 2022 with a stellar WBBL campaign.

She is then best placed to give perspective on the changes that have been made to catapult Australia to the best team in the world.

For her, it has been the nurturing of players rather than the building of a relentless winning team that has stood out.

She said: “I think the main core group are very well run by [captain] Meg Lanning and [vice-captain] Rachael Haynes.

“They give us all a purpose when we’re within the squad, which I think the last time I was in probably lacked that. Back in 2016, you lacked a bit of clarity on what role you would play within the team. Off the field, it is a good, happy bunch of people.”

While Harris’ role on the pitch was not realised this time around, she was in no doubt about her duty off it.

“If spinners went down, I was in, but mainly morale-boosting off the field is always a good thing to have as a tourist when you know that you’re not really playing,” the veterinary nursing student added.

“You can kick the dirt, you can carry on about not getting selected in the squad or you can choose to still be happy doing whatever you do.

“I was just trying to get around all the girls that were performing and not really let my own disappointment impact them.

“Not that I’m too disappointed, it’s an Australian team, you don’t get to do this too often.”

Harris smiles as she gestures to her teammates around her, the trophy being passed from player to player as they reflect on the achievements of the day before.

The Queenslander has achieved the title of World Cup winner, and she has also won a dare against her sister and fellow Brisbane Heat player, Laura Kimmince.

Kimmince took home a memento of her time in the Hundred last year, one of the foam boundary wedges, and tasked her younger sibling to do the same at the World Cup.

Harris succeeded, and also earned the bright pink coat of umpire Alex Wharf, after her role of running the drinks also turned into delivering messages to the officials in the middle with their radio feed temporarily down in one game.

The right-hander may have learned plenty from her time with the Australia team, including from her captain.

But it feels that Harris may have also taught the squad a thing or two, particularly to Lanning who admits to struggling to switch off from cricket.

She said: “I think it’s just a game at the end of the day, right? It’s not really life or death, so I’ll just enjoy it that way.

“If something happens tomorrow, and that was the last thing that I did with cricket, then I’m having fun when I’m doing it.”

Australia and Harris are now preparing to depart New Zealand with World Cup trophy, pink coat and boundary wedge in tow, their all-conquering exploits plain to see. But Harris hits home the importance of enjoying it as they do it.

For more information, contact:
International Cricket Council (ICC)
Street 69, Dubai Sports City,
Sh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE
Phone: +97-143828800
Fax: +97-143828600
E-mail: enquiry@icc-cricket.com
Website: www.icc-cricket.com

Registrations Now Open for CES Courses

Lahore, April 04, 2022 (PPI-OT):The Centre for Continuing Education Studies (CES) is pleased to announce that registrations are now open for its online and on-campus short courses being conducted in May and June.

The Centre’s diverse range of courses will provide you with an incredible opportunity to learn new skills and gain knowledge in your area of interest. Learn from acclaimed industry experts and academics, and earn a LUMS Certificate upon successful completion of the course.

Explore the exciting portfolio of courses and embark on your learning journey today!

Online Courses

Professional and Personal Development

Advanced Content Marketing, SEO and Google ads – (Course Fee: PKR 20,000)

Cyber Security Fundamentals – (Course Fee: PKR 15000)

Data Science and Machine Learning using Python – (Course Fee: PKR 22,000)

Digitization and Financial Technologies – (Course Fee: PKR 15,000)

Fundamentals of Data Analytics – (Course Fee: PKR 18,000)

How to Start and Run an E-Commerce Business in Pakistan – (Course Fee: PKR 20,000)

Interior Design – (Course Fee: PKR 20,000)

Introduction to Digital Marketing – (Course Fee: PKR 20,000)

Introduction to Fashion Marketing – (Course Fee: PKR 15,000)

Introduction to Psychology – (Course Fee: PKR 12,000)

Microsoft Office: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook – (Course Fee: PKR 15,000)

Nutrition and Wellness – (Course Fee: PKR 12,000)

Languages and Cultural Studies

Foundations of English Language and Writing – (Course Fee: PKR 15,000)

French Language (A1) – (Course Fee: PKR 12,000)

German Language (A1) – (Course Fee: PKR 15,000)

On-campus Courses

Advertising 101: Print, Outdoor and Digital – (Course Fee: PKR 25,000)

Astronomy – (Course Fee: PKR 12,000)

Brand Management – (Course Fee: PKR 22,000)

Graphic Design – (Course Fee: PKR 30,000)

Introduction to Business – (Course Fee: PKR 22,000)

Introduction to Fiction Writing – (Course Fee: PKR 22,000)

Introduction to Finance – (Course Fee: PKR 25,000)

Investment and Asset Management 101 – (Course Fee: PKR 22,000)

Practical Auditing 101 – (Course Fee: PKR 30,000)

Singing Lessons – (Course Fee: PKR 15,000)

Smartphone Photography – (Course Fee: PKR 18,000)

Content Marketing, SEO and Google ads Fundamentals – (Course Fee: PKR 25,000)

Drawing and Painting – (Course Fee: PKR 30,000)

Flute Lessons – (Course Fee: PKR 12,000)

To enroll, please visit the CES website (https://ces.lums.edu.pk/course-offered.php)

For queries, please write to ces@lums.edu.pk

For more information, contact:
Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)
D.H.A. Lahore Cantt. 54792
Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-35608000
Fax: +92-42-35725048
Website: www.lums.edu.pk

Moot on Globalizing Lokloric Wisdom concludes at IIUI 

Islamabad, April 04, 2022 (PPI-OT):The two-day International Conference on “Globalizing Lokloric Wisdom” on folk literature in Pakistani Languages at International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) that focused on storytelling, folk poetry, Sufi poetry, religious harmony in Pakistani languages and the impact of folk literature and topics related to folk literature in Pakistani Languages concluded here at Faisal Masjid campus.

The speakers of the conference agreed that the cultural heritage of the world is facing the challenges of the digital age, in which folk literature and cultures will be able to survive only if they understand the requirements of the modern age. They opined that the prevailing harshness in societies global instability can be minimized through lokloric wisdom.

The conference that witnessed as many as 80 research papers was jointly organized by Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue, IRD, IIUI, Department of English Literature, Faculty of Languages and Literature, FLL of the University in collaboration with the Higher Education Commission, HEC, Islamabad at Quaid-E-Azam Auditorium, Faisal Masjid Campus, International Islamic University Islamabad.

Speaking at the concluding ceremony of the conference, Rector International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) Prof. Dr. Masoom Yasinzai stressed upon presenting our folk literature and culture to the world using modern resources. He said that the international media portrays Pakistan as a terrorist and unsecure country but the reality is quite the opposite. Projection of our history, folk literature and culture can help us present our real image that is all about peace and harmony, he added.

On the occasion, he expressed his resolve that the International Islamic University would continue to play its role in preserving and promoting the traditions of the region. Dr. Yousuf Kushk, Chairman, Pakistan Academy of Letters said that we are proud of Pakistan’s cultural heritage and should remain so. He told the conference participants that a National Museum of Pakistani Languages will be set up in Islamabad soon. Dr. Yusuf lauded the efforts of the International Islamic University Islamabad for the revival and promotion of folk literature and culture.

Vice President (Academics), IIUI Prof. Dr. Ayaz Afsar and Vice President (R and E), Prof. Dr. Ahmed Shuja Syed also attended the conference and shared their views about the theme of the conference. Dr. Husnul Amin, Executive Director, Iqbal Institute for Research and Dialogue (IRD), IIUI, emphasized on promotion of folk literature. Dr. Husnul Amin congratulated the moderator of the conference Dr. Sheraz Dasti and the organizing team of the conference on this occasion. He vowed that IRD would continue such constructive collaborations.

Dr. Najeeba Arif, Dean Faculty of Languages and Literature, FLL, IIUI during her speech elaborated folk-lore in detail. She added that the base of science is experience while folklore is the crux of human experience. She opined that while folklore is composed of experiences of centuries. Dr. Najeeba explained to the conference participants how folklore is the collective wisdom connected to experiences of human’s lives through various interesting examples.

In various sessions, eminent scholars and literary and cultural experts spoke on various topics. During the two-day conference, Simon J. Bruner, a distinguished professor of social sciences at the American University of Wisconsin, spoke in detail about the dangers posed to folklore and culture in the digital age.

Several parallel meetings were also held on the second day, out of which Dr. Humaira Ashfaq, Head Department of Urdu, FLL, Female Campus, IUI presided over the meeting on “Folk Culture and Presentation”. In the meeting, experts discussed the history and tradition of theatre in storytelling and Seraiki literature. At the end of the conference commemorative shields were distributed among emerging researchers, intellectuals and the organizing team of the conference.

For more information, contact:
Public Relations,
International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI)
Room No.118, Admin Block, New Campus,
H-10 Sector, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: +92-51-9019249
Fax: +92-51-9257909
Email: iiuipublicrelations@iiu.edu.pk
Website: www.iiu.edu.pk